"Architecture is not an art: only a small part of architecture belongs to art." A. Loos, 1927
"Larchitettura di Loos, prima č rinuncia allinnocenza naturale del linguaggio su cui si fonda ogni ideologia della continuitā e ogni speranza di reinventarne i segni
ricongiunge poi i propri destini a quelli del movimento moderno
le case Moller e Müller recuperano il senso dellaforisma krausiano: il superfluo coincide con il trattamento degli esterni, ma negli interni rivive linteriorizzazione della necessitā dellarte." M. Tafuri, F. Dal Co, 1988
"Speaking of ornament in architecture, it would have occurred to no one, before him, to think in terms of the savages body and the tattoo as a form of degeneration of the modern body. The beauty of his ornament has disappeared; it is lost and any revival of it is only decadence." A. Rossi, 1988
"The writing of others, and particularly Adolf Loos before the War made them more or less definitely precursor in principle. They had begun to see and to say that handcrafts-man ship had become more and more anachronistic except as a final luxury, and they had urged the possibilities of the machine as an art-tool." H.R. Hitchcock Jr, 1929